Hosted on via the Hypermedia Protocol.
TLDR: here's the codebase if you want to jump ahead and copy/paste on your app:
Building a reliable auto-update system is a game-changer. In today's fast-paced tech world, keeping your Electron app current is essential. Users expect seamless updates with minimal disruption. In this post, I share my journey to build a custom auto-update system and detail every step.
Why auto-updates is important?
Auto-updates help keep your app secure and feature-rich. They streamline improvements and protect your users from vulnerabilities. Updates ensure bug fixes reach your users quickly. Without auto-updates, your app might lag behind competitors.
Auto-updating builds trust among your users. It shows you are committed to quality. Implementing an in-house system gives you control over the update cycle. You can decide what, when, and how to update, specially if you are building for platforms like Linux, in which there's no official support for Auto-updates from Electron.
At Seed Hypermedia, we are commited to give the best App Experience to all users in all platforms, that's why we decided to build a custom auto-update process for our Linux users.
First Attempt: Flatpak and Flathub
While Building your Electron app is possible for other Linux distributions liek Flatpak, for our special app requirements this was not possible. Our app executes a child process that requires a specific runtime that flatpak does not support. We tried building the app with other flatpak environment configurations but it was not possible to make the app to work.
Sadly we needed to find another Option and that's why we decided to build our own.
Second Attempt: Custom Auto-update
In order to build our own auto-update process, we need to understand what needs to happen in the first place:
    The current app needs to check for updates
    The current app needs to download the new version's artifacts
    The current app needs to quit itself, remove itself, install the new version and open the new version of the app. All automatic!
    It needs to work for all the distributions your users have access.
Now let's describe each step
The current app needs to check for updates
The first step in the process is to create a "latest.json" file. This file includes details such as the latest version number, release notes, and download URL. It serves as a reference for your app's current state.
When crafting the file, keep it simple yet complete. Use a clean structure like this:
  "name": "2025.2.8",
  "tag_name": "2025.2.8",
  "release_notes": "![banner](\r\n\r\n## šŸŽ‰ New Features\r\n\r\n- Desktop: New hover card for breadcrumbs, to browse children documents and see the domain+path\r\n- Web: Banner appears when cross-posting content between sites\r\n- New locations for \"create document\", with import workflow moved to options menu\r\n\r\n\r\n## šŸ› Bug Fixes\r\n\r\n- Improved referencing of blocks and ranges, highlight, scroll to\r\n- Web: Uploaded videos working with the correct link\r\n- Improved empty and initial state of Query Blocks\r\n- Improved button styles: bigger, higher contrast\r\n- Web: Avoid using the long-form URLs when clicking on cards\r\n- Web: Increase optimized image resolution\r\n- Desktop: Prevent creating documents with certain reserved path names\r\n\r\n**Full Changelog**:",
  "assets": {
    "macos": {
      "x64": {
        "download_url": "",
        "zip_url": ""
      "arm64": {
        "download_url": "",
        "zip_url": ""
    "win32": {
      "x64": {
        "download_url": ""
    "linux": {
      "rpm": {
        "download_url": ""
      "deb": {
        "download_url": ""
This file should be stored in a secure and reliable location. Hosting it on AWS S3 or a similar platform is ideal. Reliable hosting minimizes update delivery issues and guarantees that your app fetches the most recent version every time. You can see here how we build this using Github Actions.
The current app needs to download the new version's artifacts
Creating the AutoUpdate Class
A dedicated AutoUpdate class lies at the heart of the system. This class encapsulates the logic for checking updates, downloading new versions, and informing the app. I built it to be modular and easy to maintain.
Key Responsibilities of the AutoUpdate Class
    Check for Updates: Regularly fetch the "latest.json" file.
    Compare Versions: Determine if the app's version is outdated.
    Initiate Download: Trigger the download process when an update exists.
    Notify the UI: Send update events to the user interface.
Here is a sample code snippet of the Updater Class
export interface UpdateAsset {
  download_url: string;
  zip_url?: string;
export interface UpdateInfo {
  name: string;
  tag_name: string;
  release_notes: string;
  assets: {
    linux?: {
      deb?: UpdateAsset;
      rpm?: UpdateAsset;
    macos?: {
      x64?: UpdateAsset;
      arm64?: UpdateAsset;
    win32?: {
      x64?: UpdateAsset;

export type UpdateStatus = {type: 'idle'}
  | {type: 'checking'}
  | {type: 'update-available', updateInfo: UpdateInfo}
  | {type: 'downloading', progress: number}
  | {type: 'restarting'}
  | {type: 'error', error: string}
  | {type: 'idle'}

export class AutoUpdater {
  private checkInterval: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null
  private updateUrl: string
  private checkIntervalMs: number
  private currentUpdateInfo: UpdateInfo | null = null
  private status: UpdateStatus = {type: 'idle'}

  constructor(updateUrl: string, checkIntervalMs: number = 3600000) {
    // 1 hour default
    this.updateUrl = updateUrl
    this.checkIntervalMs = checkIntervalMs
    this.currentUpdateInfo = null
    this.status = {type: 'idle'}

    // Listen for download and install request from renderer
    ipcMain.on('auto-update:download-and-install', () => {'[AUTO-UPDATE] Received download and install request')
      if (this.currentUpdateInfo) {
        const asset = this.getAssetForCurrentPlatform(this.currentUpdateInfo)
        if (asset?.download_url) {
        } else {
          log.error('[AUTO-UPDATE] No compatible update found for download')
      } else {
        log.error('[AUTO-UPDATE] No update info available for download')

    ipcMain.on('auto-update:set-status', (_, status: UpdateStatus) => {
      this.status = status
      const win = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()
      if (win) {
        win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)

    ipcMain.on('auto-update:release-notes', () => {'[AUTO-UPDATE] Received release notes request')
      if (this.currentUpdateInfo) {

  private showReleaseNotes() {'[AUTO-UPDATE] Showing release notes')
    if (this.currentUpdateInfo?.release_notes) {
        type: 'info',
        title: 'Update Available',
        message: `${this.currentUpdateInfo?.name}`,
          this.currentUpdateInfo.release_notes || 'No release notes available',
        buttons: ['OK'],
    } else {'[AUTO-UPDATE] No release notes available')

  async checkForUpdates(): Promise<void> {'[AUTO-UPDATE] Checking for updates...')
    const win = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()
    if (!win) {
      log.error('[AUTO-UPDATE] No window found')

    this.status = {type: 'checking'}
    win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)

    try {
      const response = await fetch(this.updateUrl)
      const updateInfo: UpdateInfo = await response.json()
        `[AUTO-UPDATE] Current version: ${app.getVersion()}, Latest version: ${


      if (this.shouldUpdate( {
          '[AUTO-UPDATE] New version available, initiating update process',
        this.status = {type: 'update-available', updateInfo: updateInfo}
        win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)
        this.currentUpdateInfo = updateInfo // Store the update info
        await this.handleUpdate(updateInfo)
      } else {'[AUTO-UPDATE] Application is up to date')
        this.status = {type: 'idle'}
        win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)
        this.currentUpdateInfo = null
    } catch (error) {
      log.error(`[AUTO-UPDATE] Error checking for updates: ${error}`)
      this.status = {type: 'error', error: JSON.stringify(error)}
      win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)
      this.currentUpdateInfo = null

  private shouldUpdate(newVersion: string): boolean {
    const currentVersion = app.getVersion()
    const shouldUpdate = this.compareVersions(newVersion, currentVersion) > 0`[AUTO-UPDATE] Update needed: ${shouldUpdate}`)
    return shouldUpdate

  private compareVersions(v1: string, v2: string): number {`[AUTO-UPDATE] Comparing versions: ${v1} vs ${v2}`)

    // Split version and dev suffix
    const [v1Base, v1Dev] = v1.split('-dev.')
    const [v2Base, v2Dev] = v2.split('-dev.')

    // Compare main version numbers first (2025.2.8)
    const v1Parts = v1Base.split('.').map(Number)
    const v2Parts = v2Base.split('.').map(Number)

    // Compare year.month.patch
    for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(v1Parts.length, v2Parts.length); i++) {
      const v1Part = v1Parts[i] || 0
      const v2Part = v2Parts[i] || 0
      if (v1Part > v2Part) return 1
      if (v1Part < v2Part) return -1

    // If base versions are equal, compare dev versions
    if (v1Base === v2Base) {
      // If one is dev and other isn't, non-dev is newer
      if (!v1Dev && v2Dev) return 1
      if (v1Dev && !v2Dev) return -1
      // If both are dev versions, compare dev numbers
      if (v1Dev && v2Dev) {
        const v1DevNum = parseInt(v1Dev)
        const v2DevNum = parseInt(v2Dev)
        return v1DevNum - v2DevNum
      return 0

    // If we get here, base versions were different
    return 0

  private async handleUpdate(updateInfo: UpdateInfo): Promise<void> {'[AUTO-UPDATE] Handling update process')
    const asset = this.getAssetForCurrentPlatform(updateInfo)
    if (!asset?.download_url) {
      log.error('[AUTO-UPDATE] No compatible update found')
    }'[AUTO-UPDATE] Sending event to renderer')
    const win = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()
    if (!win) {
      log.error('[AUTO-UPDATE] No window found')

    this.status = {type: 'update-available', updateInfo: updateInfo}
    win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)

  private getAssetForCurrentPlatform(
    updateInfo: UpdateInfo,
  ): UpdateAsset | null {`[AUTO-UPDATE] Getting asset for platform: ${process.platform}`)
    if (process.platform === 'linux') {
      const isRpm = fs.existsSync('/etc/redhat-release')`[AUTO-UPDATE] Linux package type: ${isRpm ? 'RPM' : 'DEB'}`)
      return isRpm
        ? updateInfo.assets.linux?.rpm || null
        : updateInfo.assets.linux?.deb || null
    } else if (process.platform === 'darwin') {'[AUTO-UPDATE] Platform: macOS')`[AUTO-UPDATE] Architecture: ${process.arch}`)
      return updateInfo.assets.macos?.[process.arch as 'x64' | 'arm64'] || null
    log.warn('[AUTO-UPDATE] Platform not supported')
    return null

  private async downloadAndInstall(downloadUrl: string): Promise<void> {`[AUTO-UPDATE] Starting download from: ${downloadUrl}`)
    const tempPath = path.join(app.getPath('temp'), 'update')

    if (!fs.existsSync(tempPath)) {
      fs.mkdirSync(tempPath, {recursive: true})

    console.log(`== [AUTO-UPDATE] downloadAndInstall ~ tempPath:`, tempPath)

    const win = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()

    console.log(`== [AUTO-UPDATE] downloadAndInstall ~ win:`, win?.id)
    if (!win) return

    try {'[AUTO-UPDATE] Downloading update...')
      this.status = {type: 'downloading', progress: 0}
      win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)
      session.defaultSession.on('will-download', (event: any, item: any) => {
        // Set download path

        const filePath = path.join(app.getPath('downloads'), item.getFilename())

        // Monitor download progress
        item.on('updated', (_event: any, state: any) => {
          if (state === 'progressing') {
            if (item.isPaused()) {
    '[AUTO-UPDATE] Download paused')
            } else {
              const received = item.getReceivedBytes()
              const total = item.getTotalBytes()
              const progress = Math.round((received / total) * 100)
    `[AUTO-UPDATE] Download progress: ${progress}%`)
              this.status = {type: 'downloading', progress: progress}
              win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)

        // Download complete
        item.once('done', async (event: any, state: any) => {
          if (state === 'completed') {
            this.status = {type: 'restarting'}
            win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)
  `[AUTO-UPDATE] Download successfully saved to ${filePath}`)

            if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
              const {exec} = require('child_process')
              const util = require('util')
              const execPromise = util.promisify(exec)
              const fs = require('fs/promises') // Use promises version of fs

              const volumePath = '/Volumes/Seed'
              const appName = IS_PROD_DEV ? '' : ''
              const tempPath = path.join(app.getPath('temp'), 'SeedUpdate')
              try {
                // Ensure temp directory exists
                  `[AUTO-UPDATE] Creating temp directory at: ${tempPath}`,
                try {
                  await fs.mkdir(tempPath, {recursive: true})
                } catch (err) {
                    `[AUTO-UPDATE] Error creating temp directory: ${err}`,
                  throw err

                // Mount the DMG
      '[AUTO-UPDATE] Mounting DMG...')
                await execPromise(`hdiutil attach "${filePath}"`)

                // Create update script
                const scriptPath = path.join(tempPath, '')
                  `[AUTO-UPDATE] Creating update script at: ${scriptPath}`,

                const scriptContent = `#!/bin/bash
                  sleep 2
                  # rm -rf "/Applications/${appName}"
                  # cp -R "${tempPath}/${appName}" "/Applications/"
                  # rm -rf "${tempPath}"
                  open "/Applications/${appName}"

                try {
                  await fs.writeFile(scriptPath, scriptContent, {mode: 0o755}) // Set executable permissions
        '[AUTO-UPDATE] Update script created successfully')
                } catch (err) {
                    `[AUTO-UPDATE] Error creating update script: ${err}`,
                  throw err

                // Execute the update script and quit
      '[AUTO-UPDATE] Executing update script...')
                exec(`"${scriptPath}"`, {detached: true, stdio: 'ignore'})
              } catch (error) {
                log.error(`[AUTO-UPDATE] Installation error: ${error}`)
                // Clean up if possible
                try {
                  await execPromise(`hdiutil detach "${volumePath}" || true`)
                } catch (cleanupError) {
                  log.error(`[AUTO-UPDATE] Cleanup error: ${cleanupError}`)
            } else if (process.platform === 'linux') {
              try {
                const {exec} = require('child_process')
                const util = require('util')
                const execPromise = util.promisify(exec)
                const fs = require('fs/promises')

                // Determine package type and commands
                const isRpm = filePath.endsWith('.rpm')
                const packageName = IS_PROD_DEV ? 'seed-dev' : 'seed' // Replace with your actual package name
                const removeCmd = isRpm ? 'rpm -e' : 'dpkg -r'
                const installCmd = isRpm ? 'rpm -U' : 'dpkg -i'
                const appName = IS_PROD_DEV ? 'seed-dev' : 'seed'

                // Create temp directory for the update script
                const tempPath = path.join(app.getPath('temp'), 'SeedUpdate')
                await fs.mkdir(tempPath, {recursive: true})

                // Create update script
                const scriptPath = path.join(tempPath, '')
                  `[AUTO-UPDATE] Creating update script at: ${scriptPath}`,

                const scriptContent = `#!/bin/bash
                  sleep 2
                  # Remove existing package
                  pkexec ${removeCmd} ${packageName}
                  # Install new package
                  pkexec ${installCmd} "${filePath}"
                  # Clean up
                  rm -rf "${tempPath}"
                  rm -f "${filePath}"
                  # Start the new version

                try {
                  await fs.writeFile(scriptPath, scriptContent, {mode: 0o755})
        '[AUTO-UPDATE] Update script created successfully')
                } catch (err) {
                    `[AUTO-UPDATE] Error creating update script: ${err}`,
                  throw err

                // Execute the update script and quit
      '[AUTO-UPDATE] Executing update script...')
                exec(`"${scriptPath}"`, {detached: true, stdio: 'ignore'})
              } catch (error) {
                log.error(`[AUTO-UPDATE] Installation error: ${error}`)
                this.status = {type: 'error', error: 'Installation error'}
                win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)
  `[AUTO-UPDATE] Download failed: ${state}`)
            this.status = {type: 'error', error: 'Download failed'}
            win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)
    } catch (error) {
      this.status = {type: 'error', error: 'Download error'}
      win.webContents.send('auto-update:status', this.status)
      log.error(`[AUTO-UPDATE] Download error: ${error}`)

  startAutoCheck(): void {
      `[AUTO-UPDATE] Starting auto-check with interval: ${this.checkIntervalMs}ms`,
    this.checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
    }, this.checkIntervalMs)

  stopAutoCheck(): void {'[AUTO-UPDATE] Stopping auto-check')
    if (this.checkInterval) {
      this.checkInterval = null

  setCheckInterval(ms: number): void {`[AUTO-UPDATE] Setting new check interval: ${ms}ms`)
    this.checkIntervalMs = ms
    if (this.checkInterval) {
In this code, the AutoUpdate class fetches the update file during each check from the URL specified when called. It compares the current version with the fetched version. This approach keeps the logic clear and easy to follow.
Here's how I call the AutoUpdater class from the app's main process:
const updater = new AutoUpdater('')

Implementing IPC Handlers in Electron
Electronā€™s IPC (Inter-Process Communication) is essential for handling auto-update events. IPC connects the main process and renderer processes seamlessly. By using IPC, you can send messages about update activities between the UI and the backend.
Setting Up IPC in Your Auto-update System
1. Identify Events: Define events like update check, update available, and update download complete. 2. Implement Listeners: Set up IPC listeners to handle these events. 3. Trigger from the UI: Dispatch events from the renderer process when users interact.
Here's what we do on the preload.js file to enable IPC for autoUpdate
// preload.js

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('autoUpdate', {
  onUpdateStatus: (handler: (status: UpdateStatus) => void) => {
    ipcRenderer.on('auto-update:status', (_event, status: UpdateStatus) => {
  setUpdateStatus: (status: UpdateStatus) => {
    ipcRenderer.send('auto-update:set-status', status)
  downloadAndInstall: () => {
  releaseNotes: () => {
Ensuring your IPC handlers respond quickly is important. Each response should guide the user through the update process. Clear communication maintains a smooth user experience.
Integrating UI Components for the Update Process
A user-friendly interface builds confidence during updates. UI components let users interact with updates easily. They can choose to postpone the update, view release notes, or trigger the process immediately.
Essential UI Elements for an Update System
    Notification Popup: Alert users when an update is available.
    Release Notes View: Display details about the update.
    Update Button: Let users manually trigger an update.
    Progress Indicator: Show the download progress for transparency.
    By including these elements, you offer clarity to your users. Short, punchy messages and clear instructions are key. Keep the design simple and direct.
    Consider this sample layout: - A small modal window with the headline "New Update Available!"
      A list of changes and bug fixes from the "latest.json" file.
      Two action buttons: one to start the update and another to remind later.
      A progress bar that fills gradually to indicate progress.
    User interaction is crucial. It reassures users that the app is actively improving. Bold prompts and clear UI design can enhance user trust.
download popup at the bottom right of Seed Hypermedia
Download progress popup
Code Integration and Testing
After integrating the AutoUpdate class and IPC handlers, thorough testing is crucial. Testing ensures that your system functions consistently. Begin by simulating various update scenarios.
Testing Steps to Follow
    Simulate a New Version: Modify the "latest.json" file to mimic a new version.
    Check Responses: Ensure the IPC events fire correctly.
    Validate UI Changes: Make sure the UI components update when an update is available.
    Monitor Error Cases: Test for network errors or file not found issues.
    Each step should be documented. Keep your testing procedure rigorous. Clear logs and error messages assist in debugging. Logs help you track every stage of the update process.
    Testing can reveal edge cases and delays. Always use small steps and validate each stage. A well-tested system prevents huge headaches after deployment.
Debugging and Troubleshooting
Even the most polished systems face unexpected issues. Debugging is essential to maintaining a smooth auto-update experience. Follow these guidelines for effective troubleshooting.
Key Debugging Strategies
    Log extensively: Print logs at each important function point.
    Break down tasks: Test each component independently.
    Review networking calls: Use tools to inspect API responses and errors.
    Monitor update failures: Keep error logs that detail failure points.
    When you encounter an error, start pinpointing the issue. Is the "latest.json" file unreachable? Or did the version check misfire? Answering these questions directs your debugging process.
    Always use meaningful error messages. Specific, concise logs save time. Keep your logs focused and actionable. Additionally, consider automated testing for future releases. Testing keeps your update system resilient during high-pressure periods.
Best Practices for a Seamless Auto-update Experience
Building the auto-update system is only half the battle. User experience is equally important. Follow these best practices to optimize the auto-update system.
Recommendations to Enhance User Experience
    Keep users informed: Use periodic updates to communicate progress with clear messages.
    Ensure a minimal impact: Design updates that run in the background as much as possible.
    Offer opt-in options: Allow users to schedule updates if they prefer.
    Prioritize security: Always validate update files and sources.
    Creating an update-friendly flow boosts user confidence. Simplicity coupled with clarity makes the process approachable. A reliable auto-update mechanism distinguishes your app from competitors.
Future Enhancements and Customizations
The custom auto-update system is flexible by design. Future enhancements can further tailor the update process. For example, you might add version rollback options or deep integration with analytics tools.
Ideas for Future Improvements
    Add rollback features: Let users revert to their previous version in case of issues.
    Implement advanced logging: Integrate with external logging platforms for detailed analytics.
    Support differential updates: Update only parts of the app to save bandwidth.
    Enhance notifications: Use richer UI animations for a modern feel.
    While these enhancements are optional, they empower you to refine your system gradually. Continuous improvement is the hallmark of a great software product. Stay open to user feedback and technical innovations.
Code Walkthrough and Customization Tips
Understanding the nuances of your code can be immensely helpful. A detailed walkthrough builds confidence in your system. Here, I share insights on how to customize the AutoUpdate class further.
Detailed Code Analysis
1. Constructor Initialization:

The constructor sets up the main parameters. It accepts the app instance and current version. This compartmentalizes essential data from the start.
2. CheckForUpdates Function:

A clear function fetches the JSON file and handles errors gracefully. Each step is designed for clarity and rapid debugging.
3. Version Comparison Logic:

The method isNewVersion makes a simple comparison. It can be improved by using semantic versioning practices. Explicit version checks reduce errors.
4. Notifier Function:

The notifyUpdateAvailable method interacts with the app and UI. It is the pivot between backend changes and user notifications.
Customization Tips
    Expand network timeout logic: Ensure network retries perform gracefully.
    Incorporate user settings: Allow users to set update frequency or preferences.
    Enrich error handling: Provide detailed error messages, making maintenance easier.
    Modularize code further: Separate network calls in helper functions for better readability.
    Using these tips, you can fine-tune your system to meet specific needs. Custom code paths can make updates smoother and faster.
Recap: The Journey of Building a Custom Auto-update System
Letā€™s recap the major steps: - Establish the importance: Prioritize security and user experience.
    Create and host latest.json: Ensure it is reliable and accessible.
    Build the AutoUpdate class: Handle update logic with clear code.
    Implement IPC handlers: Seamlessly connect the backend and UI.
    Develop user-friendly UI components: Enable thorough interaction.
    Test and debug: Iterate until every scenario is covered.
Each step plays a critical role. The system must be robust and simple. Clear documentation and rigorous checks prevent future pitfalls. Your dedication to quality pays off in user satisfaction and app longevity.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
Building a custom auto-update system adds lasting value. Your app stays relevant, user trust grows, and security remains robust. This journey not only enhances technical capability but also reinforces the philosophy of continuous improvement.
Remember these powerful insights:
    Keep the update process transparent.
    Maintain clear lines between code components.
    Prioritize user experience in every step.
    Always adapt and refine based on detailed testing.
Auto-updating is more than a feature. It's a commitment to excellence, innovation, and user trust. As you implement these steps in your Electron app, you build an ecosystem of reliability and progress.
> "A well-oiled auto-update system is the engine that drives modern app credibility."
Embrace simplicity in design and clarity in execution. Every change helps your app grow and better serve its users. Enjoy the process of continuous improvement and the rewarding challenge of turning complex tasks into seamless experiences.
With the tools and insights shared in this post, you are ready to create a custom auto-update system. Take decisive steps today and let your Electron app evolve with every update. Your users and future self will thank you for it.
Happy coding, and may your updates be swift and secure!