Hosted on via the Hypermedia Protocol.
This guide is designed to help you master site hierarchy and navigation in Seed Hypermedia, ensuring a smoother and more intuitive experience.
In Seed, navigation is divided into three key parts:
    Main Navigation
    Document Navigation
    Breadcrumb Navigation
By understanding how these elements work together, you’ll be able to organize, explore, and collaborate more effectively. Let’s dive in!
Main Navigation
This Navigation is located at the top of your site within the header and its available across all pages. It should be the place where you create and organize the primary sections of your site (Sub-documents), making it easy for visitors to find key information.
Document Navigation
Each document within your site has its own independent side navigation, accompanied by a document outline. This means that you can create documents within other documents to organize site structures.
This @... document has an @... within, that can be found on the side navigation.
Key Features:
The side navigation and outline can be disabled in the right side options panel while editing.
And remember, you can create backlinks to other documents using query blocks, buttons, or hyperlinks for seamless navigation. So even if you remove the side navigation and outline, you can place links that show the content within that document.
Breadcrumb Navigation
This is a feature only available for app users and it's made to facilitate navigation within your site as well as the creation of subdocuments. It is an alternative if you have hidden the side navigation.
Just hover over the breadcrumbs!
It's important to note that you have to create documents within the specific document where you want it to be located. All document within the site can be referenced anywhere using different commands.
Best Practices for Organizing Your Site
Main Navigation: Use clear, concise labels for your main sections to guide users effectively.
Document Navigation: Leverage side navigation and outlines for longer documents to improve readability and accessibility.
Backlinks: Use query blocks, buttons, or links to connect related content and enhance user experience.
Take a look at the Documentation template and Blog template we have created to show site hierarchy and organization.